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An Innovative Educational Experience Serving El Paso and Juarez Families

Research-Based Curricula

Developed by leading regional education experts, created to build foundational knowledge and skills that exceed state standards.  

STEM/21st Century Skills

A focus on daily inquiry-based and project-based learning experiences to foster intellectual collaboration. 

Connecting to the World

A focus on multilingual language learning in Spanish, Hebrew and English-Language Arts

Inclusive Community

Valuing joy, wonder, and a love of learning as the key building blocks to optimal lifelong development. 

Apply for Admission

Accepting First to Sixth Grade enrollments for the 24-25 school year.

We give students educational experiences that set them up for success–not just in school, but in life.

About Our School

We are dedicated to finding best pedagogical practices and bringing them to El Paso. We draw on proven educational methods to create inspiring experiences for our students that spark wonder and–most importantly– help them enjoy school!  Student involvement and immersion in the curriculum promotes deep understanding and fosters a lifelong love of learning.

In our classrooms you’ll see teachers with small groups of students, creating collaborative partnerships and encouraging them to discover and connect.  You’ll see children engaged in meaningful hands-on activities that build skills and excite creativity.  You’ll also sometimes see empty classrooms–because a class has taken the learning outside.  At The Cherry Hill School learning happens everywhere.

Constructivist Approach

Reggio Inspired

Project-Based Learning

STEM Focused